About Us

You may have found this website thanks to a poster or a social media post asking you to prioritize your AI’s needs for water and elecricity over your own. But do we actually want you to sit thirstily in the dark with an empty phone battery? Of course not.

The aim of this satirical campaign is to use humour to connect your personal needs for Earth’s resources with the evidence of just how much of these resources are now being claimed for the data centres running generative AI. And to make you smile.

By connecting your thirst with a data center’s cooling system, we address what can be called psychological distance: it is very hard to relate personally to the distant data centers where generative AI models do their work. We normally write about this kind of thing more academically (see here and here and here).

This satirical initiative was created by the Just Sustainability Design Lab, a research group at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto (Canada), dedicated to designing information technology for sustainability and social justice.

Save the AI is just getting started: this website will expand as we uncover AI’s growing demands. Check out what we’ve already found.